Since returning from our cruise, we’ve been going to the home site each day, if only for a short amount of time. There have, of course, been a few more bumps in the road, and I am trying to remind myself that everything is figure-out-able. And maybe some of these challenges are blessings in disguise, even if it doesn’t feel like that.

One major improvement is that the road dried out enough from rains a few weeks back so the gravel base could be poured. This is not the completed road and more construction trucks and cement trucks for the barn will beat it up, but it is a base that can be used to create the final road next spring when the construction wraps up.
Windows and doors have also been delivered to the home site and the house exterior walls have been wrapped with Tyvek. John commented that he could now get a sense of the rooms and the flow of the house as everything is getting closed in.
The challenges we came home to included an issue with the thickness of the stone we wanted on the exterior chimneys. The stone would require that the living room windows get reframed and moved. Which would in turn mean that pieces of furniture inside the living room could not be placed as designed. Sigh
Living room Living room Dining room Library Kitchen Master bedroom Great room Laundry room
Finally, we were told the stone on the chimneys above the roofline tends to crack and cause leaks over time. Umm, could someone have told us that back in April when we were getting bids for our house? Seriously…

Those challenges aside, the home building has made great progress this week with roofing underlayment installation starting on Friday.

We enjoyed a beautiful sunset from the home site Friday night as we walked around and enjoyed all the progress made.

Thanks for stopping by! Next I’ll post about the barn progress, as the concrete gets poured at 5 am Monday morning for the barn foundation.
Hugs, Libby