Wow, what a difference a day makes. Actually, what a difference a week makes! Last week at this time we were worrying about freezing temperatures, losing power, losing water, and generally staying sane through Snovid-21.

Today we started building a swimming pool! And it was 74 degrees. Crazy…
On Wednesday, February 10th, our contact with the pool company, Sam, and our site supervisor, Fernando, came and sketched out the pool we designed last year with spray paint. It gives the home owner a chance to see the pool in the space. Thank goodness we had that time, albeit covered with snow, to do just that….
…because we realized that the tanning ledge/Baja shelf was going to be way too small. So we called Sam and Fernando and expanded the pool from 15’x37’ to 20’x40’ (including the spa and tanning ledge).
Today they came and staked everything out, measuring multiple times in multiple ways to make sure the layout was square and perfectly centered in the courtyard. Expanding the pool obviously reduces our pool “deck”, but there are still 8’ of space on either long side and 10’ of open decking near the kitchen (not counting the covered porches) – plenty of room for loungers.
Then the digging began. After every pass of the Bobcat, John went out looking for tooled artifacts, arrowheads, and the like. I think he’s the stone whisperer…
The team was gone and cleaned up before 4:45 pm. Boom – day one of the build is done!

I’ll continue to post progress on the pool as we go. Until then, thanks for stopping by!
Hugs, Libby
What is a tanning ledge?
Hey Jet,
A tanning ledge is a shallow big step where you can hang in a lounger in the pool. They are typically 12″ deep with 9″ of water, and that’s what we will have as well. As you can see from computer-generated image of the tanning deck above , the 2 loungers were going to take up almost all the space, so we opted to make it larger for more kiddie-pool type space. Here is more info from a fiberglass pool builder: