I know I said this last time, but this is crazy. The pic on the left is from Tuesday, February 16, 2021. The pic on the right is from today, Tuesday, February 23, 2021. Exactly one week apart. Wow.

Anywhoo, today a different crew arrived and began and finished the swimming pool’s rebar – in one day. The rebar steel structure is created and tied together to give the concrete some additional tensile strength. At least that’s what I read when I wondered why they needed the steel structure to be part of the pool.
Turns out the rebar is spaced to offer maximum strength to each other – like a buddy system. The steel rebar is tied to itself with strands of wire to hold it in place. There are also spacers below the rebar in the pool floor to allow the gunite/concrete to get below the rebar and to completely enclose it.
After getting lost, trying to find our home this morning, they arrived around 8:30 AM. And they were gone by 3 PM. Seriously – they did all this in 5.5 hours.

It was fun to see the shape of the spa and the now, larger size of the tanning ledge. You can see the spa seats and where the waterfall from the spa into the pool will flow. I even ventured out onto the rebar to make sure the spaces felt right since we had altered it yesterday. Meanwhile, John continues to be the stone whisperer, reaching into the sides of the dirt walls for tooled pieces.
So that was Day 2 of the swimming pool construction. Who knows what fun will begin tomorrow!

Thanks for stopping by and checking out our journey! Hugs, Libby
Wow….how exciting?
Question of the day: Did our “stone whisperer” find anything exciting during his archaeological digs?
Hey Lorri,
The Stone Whisperer here. Thanks for asking about my finds. I will post pics of some of my “finer points” once Elizabeth shows me how to do it. I’ll include a little about my search philosophy and tactics, pretending all the while that it will be interesting to the blog readers. ;)>